
Our technicians and engineers are also a well-versed team when it comes to storage and transport of the newest innovations from the convenience food sector. The trend to prepared and ready-to-eat products is reflected by appreciably greater refrigeration needs and, not least, by great changes in the appearances of supermarkets. It is especially the larger food retailers who are returning to their roots and are banning many non-food articles from their shelves.

They increasingly offer their customer a larger selection of fresh, prepared, and ready-to-eat products: for example, salad mix for the office lunch break. This product group requires additional energy for logistics, stores, and presentation. In addition, the trend to longer opening hours is also associated with greater energy consumption. What could therefore be more logical than to strike a good balance between quality and costs with an investment in an advanced, energy-efficient refrigeration system?


Every single area of the industrial branch of food cold stores and distribution poses its specific requirements for effective temperature control. Depending on the application, experts at GEA Refrigeration Technologies provide the right temperature - cool or ice-cold, and exact to one degree if necessary.

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