Big yields from advanced cooling and freezing technology

In many countries, fish represent the most important source of protein – for example, on the west coast of Africa. To assure such staples of diet for the population there, the trawler Jupiter is on duty in the ocean off Namibia. Equipped with trawls and extensive GEA refrigeration systems, the ship is on the hunt for horse mackerel – with good success. It was launched in 1990 by the shipbuilders Volkswerft, in Stralsund, Germany. Since decades on the high seas had taken their toll, the ship was recently renovated. As contracted by the owners Namsov Fishing Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, GEA Refrigeration Technologies in 2006 brought its refrigeration systems up to the state of the art – with GEA responsible from planning to implementation. Today, the Jupiter has a cargo capacity of 2,000 metric tons. Freezing capacity has risen by around 250 %: from originally 65 to now an average of 170 tons per day. For Jupiter this was a major milestone – but almost routine for the experienced GEA team, which has for decades been intimately familiar with this ship type (Atlantik 488).
GEA Refrigeration Technologies also feels at home on other ship types: it has by now modernized over 40 trawlers. GEA experience and good consulting pay off handsomely for the fishing business, since GEA emphasizes keeping as much old equipment as possible and effectively adding new systems only as necessary.For liquefaction on land, for the cryotechnology and re-liquefaction on board, and for regasification: GEA Refrigeration Technologies works in effective support of the complete liquefied-gas refrigeration chain.
- 10 vertical plate freezers
- 2 air coolers
- Valves and control units
- Refrigerated seawater
system (RSW) - 2 saltwater pumps
and cutters
- Geneglace ice machines on board
- Conveyor systems
- Dosing systems
- Control systems