Even though the use of ozone destructive CFC's is not permitted in the developed industrial countries, and the fade out for HCFC's is already decided, the refrigeration and air conditioning industries effect the environment all over the world. Directly with emissions and indirectly with their power consumption.
The discussion about the global warming effecting HFC refrigerants is still in progress. These so called replacement refrigerants, like bromine and chlorine free HFC's, do not harm the ozone layer but have unfavourably high global warming potential. For this reason, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol called for a worldwide reduction of these greenhouse gases. Even new alternative refrigerants and blends like R134a, R404A and R507, each of them being HFC's, are less attractive for forward looking applications due to their relatively high greenhouse effect.
Natural refrigerants
Natural refrigerants are the obvious choice as a sustainable and ecological alternative to HFC's. All natural refrigerants occur in nature's material cycle even without human interference. They do not contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer and have no significant influence to the greenhouse effect. Moreover, natural refrigerants have been used in food production and storage for more than 100 years.
For all these reasons we are convinced that the natural refrigerants ammonia and carbon dioxide will be the most important for the future. Grasso components in conjunction with natural refrigerants provide clients with an outstanding combination for a sustainable and environmentally friendly economy.